Prayer Points
Bow your heart in reverence, full of awe and wonder at the Almighty Creator and King of the universe who loves you and cares for you.
Praise God for his attributes and character.
Praise the Lord for the difficult situations in your life, and ask him to be glorified in you.
Praise God for all the victories Christ has given us as people over the years, and how he has blessed us.
Praise God for the blessings God has given you and consider how you can express your gratitude for them.
Praise God for meeting us in prayer and meditation on God’s Word, for fellowship with fellow believers, and for a day of rest.
Praise our redeeming God for placing all our evil and the wrath we deserved on the crucified Christ so that we could be saved.
Praise God for the freedom he has given us to worship him in this country openly.
Praise God for his unfailing kindness to us as a church, and for his constant presence in our lives.
Praise the Lord for our church leaders and staff, and for all those who spread the gospel of Christ.
Praise the Lord for how he is growing our church family amid unprecedented times and challenges.
Self-Reflection & Prayer
Pray for the areas in your life that give you unrest. Pray that you would open your eyes to how God is working in all circumstances.
Pray that the Lord would place your heart in a posture of humility and repentance before him.
Pray that God would wash you clean in the blood of his Son Jesus Christ.
Pray that God would cause in your heart a desire to worship him and continually praise him for who he is and what he has done in your life.
Pray that you would be amazed today that in Jesus there is steadfast love and everlasting redemption.
Ask God to grant you a heart that overflows with deep and lasting gratitude, continually recognizing that everything good and perfect we have in this world is from him by grace (James 1:17).
Ask God to reveal any relationships in your life that require repentance and reconciliation.
Pray for the worship of our church to not be hindered by a lack of reconciliation within our relationships.
Ask God to give you a heart to love your neighbor—particularly those who aren’t like you.
Ask God to help you live humbly and missionally in your community. Pray that God will give you opportunities to clearly articulate the gospel to those who do not know Jesus. Pray for specific people with whom you are burdened to share the gospel.
Pray that God would open the way for you to make friends with someone of a different ethnic, religious, or cultural background from yours.
Our Congregation
Pray for the spiritual vitality of our church—that people would earnestly grow in their spiritual walk and live out their faith.
Pray for God to grow those in our congregation to be in the Word delighting in God’s truth, and for us to live in the light of that truth.
Pray for God to bring victory in the minds of those in our congregation over the lies from the world and Satan.
Pray for God to bring victory over immorality in the lives of those in our congregation.
Pray for those in our congregation who have taken the next step with Christ through baptism. Thank God for their willingness to publicly declare their love for the Lord.
Many people in our church work long hours (perhaps that’s you!). Pray for them to have time with their families and to experience physical rest.
Pray for the efforts of each campus to reach its immediate community—that people would boldly demonstrate and share the gospel.
Pray that in view of the Triune God, our church would be a place of true unity and harmony between different ethnicities, cultures, and people groups. Pray that Bethel Church would transcend all earthly boundaries, for there is neither Jew nor Gentile, male nor female, slave nor free.
Pray for Bethel Church to be a family-oriented church that values each other’s skin color and difference by seeing their position and value in Christ.
Pray for Bethel Church to grow in our awareness and eagerness to reach our immigrant population with the gospel.
Pray for the people of Bethel Church who are struggling with mental health and have endured many difficulties over the past months. Pray that the Lord would be near and would bring health.
Families in our Congregation
Pray for the marriages in our church that they would honor God and be Christ-focused.
Pray for the families of Bethel Church who desire to have children but are currently unable to.
Pray for the families of Bethel Church who have prodigal children. Pray for the children to return to Christ and for parents to love their children unconditionally.
Pray for the families of Bethel Church who are experiencing illness through cancer, disease, chronic pain, and physical ailments. Pray for healing and rest.
Pray for the families of Bethel Church who are unemployed and seeking jobs. Pray that God would direct them to the right job and that they would know where to look.
Bethel Ministries
Pray for our Worship ministry and all those who lead our church in worship—Dustin Rouse, Payton Leoni, and Daniel Asher. Pray that our weekend services would provide God-centered, Christ-exalting, and Spirit-empowered times of corporate worship and singing.
Pray for Bethel Small Groups. Pray that members would cast their anxieties on the Lord and find deep unity. Pray for Pastor Chris Whetstone as he shepherds the groups.
Pray for Bethel Men who gather across the campuses and encourage one another. Pray for iron to sharpen iron in these gatherings.
Pray for Women of the Word and for Kim McCool, Amanda Vanderzee, Rebekah Douglas, and Iris Perez who are encouraging our women to dig into the deep truths of God’s Word. Pray for the Word of Christ to dwell in them richly.
Pray for Verge Student Ministries and their desire for students to know Christ. Pray for Bill Hillegonds, Foster Toft, Samantha Stooksbury, and Scott Erwin, and all the volunteers as they lead the ministry.
Pray for Bethel’s Kids Ministry to effectively teach children the gospel and point them to know Christ as Lord and Savior. Pray for Ellyn Krusza, Kari Corbin, Jenn Uren, Melissa Anderson, and all the volunteers as they lead this ministry.
Pray for Bethel Missions to continue to support and encourage our local and global ministry partners. Pray for Brittany Hnida as she coordinates missions awareness and involvement within Bethel Church. Pray for those who will be leading GO trips in 2024.
Pray for our STEPS ministry that members would experience victory over addictions and afflictions they are facing.
Pray for Bethel’s Counseling Ministry that those being counseled would experience victory in their lives. Pray for Pastor Stephen Ganschow as he leads this ministry.
Pray for the City Life Center as they strive to develop thriving families that create a thriving community.
Pray for our Rooted young adults to grow in Christ and community.
Pray for our Benevolence ministry to meet the practical needs of those in our church and community while bearing gospel fruit. Pray for Stephanie Ward as she leads this ministry.
Pray for our Connections Ministry to connect people into community to grow together as a body.
Give praise and thanksgiving for the Spanish Ministry. Pray for continued growth and outreach into the Spanish-speaking population of Northwest Indiana.
Bethel Leadership
Pray for the leadership of Bethel Church that they would lead in humility and wisdom.
Pray that God would grant Pastor Steve and our campus pastors—Ben Hixson, Jared Bryant, and Tim Chen— power in teaching and preaching, and particularly, that he would give them insights and understanding.
Pray for Bethel’s elders, deacons, and staff that they would lead our church with wisdom and integrity.
Pray for our operations staff to serve faithfully as they steward the finances and facilities of our church. Pray for Dave Harvey, Dana Behler, and Josh Spinks as they oversee these areas.
Pray for the marriages of Bethel staff members. Pray that they would be protected from Satan and faithful in their covenant bond to one another.
The Region
Pray for the people of Northwest Indiana that God would use Bethel as a witness to show how much he cares for his people.
Pray for the people of Northwest Indiana who are experiencing suffering without Christ. Pray that they would turn to him and find rest for their souls.
Pray for other gospel-centered churches in Northwest Indiana that they would reach their communities with the gospel.
Pray for our local government officials—governor, state reps, and mayor—that they would lead with integrity and wisdom.
Pray for the cities of Northwest Indiana. Pray that we would strive for racial harmony in our daily lives.
Pray for the homeless of Northwest Indiana that as Bethel Church members and others serve and help them, they may see the love of Christ.
Pray for the Chinese community of Northwest Indiana. May the Lord touch their hearts and make them hungry for the gospel.
Pray for Bethel’s church plant, Flourish Church, and for Pastor Dexter Harris as he leads his congregation.
Our Nation
Pray for our national government that God would raise godly men and women to lead with integrity, character, and boldness.
Pray for our President as he leads the country. May God give him wisdom and discernment as he makes decisions.
Pray for the elections happening across our nation this year, for the safety of the candidates and their families, and for the church to accept the results of the election as we acknowledge God’s sovereignty over all things.
Pray for those serving in the armed forces. Pray for their safety and resilience as they protect our nation.
The World
Pray for God’s protection over all those affected by the war in Ukraine. Pray for God to use the church to glorify his name.
Pray for those affected by the crisis in Israel and Palestine. Pray over the Middle East, especially that the gospel be powerfully proclaimed even amid great spiritual darkness.
Pray for the persecuted church—areas of particular concern include Sudan, China, North Korea, Southeast Asia, and Muslim nations. Ask God to establish laws and regulations in those places that allow believers the freedom to worship and preach the gospel.
Pray for the 5,000+ unreached people groups around the world to hear about Jesus.
Ministry Partners
Pray for Ashraf Abuatieh as he disciples Muslim background believers in the Middle East.
Pray for Gene & Shelly Anderson as they serve with Kids Alive in Taiwan.
Pray for Matt DeMateo as he leads New Life Centers in Chicago.
Pray for Jim and Carol Garcines in California’s Bay Area. Pray for Jim as he ministers to local hospital patients and staff.
Pray for Jim & Karen Getz as they minister to international students at Michigan State University.
Pray for Rick and Mary Glover as they plant and shepherd Awana clubs in Indiana.
Pray for Lane and Kim Lareau as they disciple immigrants in the Atlanta area.
Pray for Dick and Kathy Page as they lead SOAR International Ministries in Alaska. Pray for their upcoming Easter basket program, Baskets of Hope, which distributes care packages and Bibles to children and adults in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, and Abkhazia.
Pray for John and Lorella Rouster with Every Child Ministries. Pray for Lorella as she writes Sunday school curriculum for children in West Africa.
Pray for Scotte Staab with Source of Light Ministries. Pray for Scotte as he travels to parts of Asia and South America, providing biblical training to local pastors and Christian leaders.
Pray for Wes and Lori Taber as they serve with LIFE in Messiah. Pray for the gospel to be proclaimed to Jewish people around the world.
Pray for LOGOS College of Theology in India. Pray for the students and leadership to be protected from religious persecution. Pray for their satellite ministries throughout Asia and Africa.
Pray for Bill and Christina Widup as they lead Up & Up Ministries in Vanuatu.
Pray for Steve & Cheryl Winget with ABWE. Pray for guidance as they shepherd missionary families in Europe.
Pray for Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS) in Beirut, Lebanon. Pray for the students as they pursue theological education despite the ongoing crisis in the Middle East. Pray for the staff as they shepherd students and their community in Lebanon.
Pray for SETECA in Guatemala City, Guatemala. Pray for the staff, students, and alumni as they proclaim the gospel throughout Latin America.
Pray for Multiplication Network as they support church planters and Christian leaders globally.
Pray for Global Action as they train Christian leaders around the world. Pray for pastors and counselors receiving trauma response training in Ukraine and surrounding countries.
Pray for Word Partners as they equip pastors to share the Word globally.
Pray for Baptist Children’s Home as they care for children in vulnerable situations in the Region and globally. Pray for their Homes of Compassion ministry which works to provide a safe space for children in foster care.
Pray for Cedar Lake Ministries as they work to provide a life-changing environment for evangelism and spiritual growth to youth, adults, and families.
Pray for Child Evangelism Fellowship as they conduct Good News Clubs in local schools. Pray for the unchurched children who will hear and learn about Jesus through this ministry.
Pray for City Life Center as they provide fun, educational, extracurricular activities for children in Gary. Pray for the team as they prepare for their summer programming.
Pray for the Northwest Indiana Women’s Center as they minister to women considering abortion. Pray that the Lord would reach the hearts of these women and that they would know the Lord is with them.
Pray for Twin Lakes Camp as they prepare for a busy summer ministry season. Pray for the children and families attending camp this summer to experience the Lord’s goodness in a special way.